Press Review

Kateřina Nekolná

Journalist and Presenter

Becoming an ambassador of the project? I didn't hesitate for a second!

The REESTART project opened my eyes. It offers real climate solutions that I hope everyone can understand. If you read through all the articles here, it will completely change your perspective on concrete action on climate change at the political and corporate level. Real solutions don't have to be extremist at all.

Once you get to know the texts, I will be happy to answer your questions. You can contact me via e-mail - Your Kateřina Nekolná, former heptathlete, Czech TV presenter and above all a mother who wants a world with a future for her children.

Press release

Headline from 2050: How could the Earth have warmed so much?

We did everything the Greens wanted! All we have is clean and renewable energy. Electric cars, boats, planes and green hydrogen machines. What could we have missed???

It's amazing how many educated people were absent from physics class when they were supposed to be learning about solar radiation. Otherwise, we cannot explain why the world wants to save itself from global warming with renewable energy from solar panels. So at least pay attention now: white light reflects, black light turns into heat!

If it is true that the global photovoltaic capacity is 200 times larger than the nuclear power plant Temelín (Czech Republic), we are talking about direct thermal emissions of photovoltaics in the order of petawatt hours. To refresh: a gigawatt is a billion watts, a tera trillion and a peta billiard. More and more installations to meet the world's emission targets are springing up like mushrooms after the rain. To give you an idea: that's the energy needed to heat millions of homes for a whole year in central Europe.

We have accepted that our greenhouse gas emissions are warming the planet. Let us quote: The most plausible explanation for the Earth's current climate change comes from a change in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. These are gases that have the ability to produce the so-called greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases are compounds that, due to their physical properties, transmit short-wave radiation from hotter bodies and absorb long-wave radiation from colder bodies, thereby heating themselves and their surroundings. In practice, they transmit the radiation from the Sun towards the Earth, so that it reaches the Earth's surface. The back radiation from the cooler surface of the Earth can already be absorbed by the CO2 molecules, warming the surrounding air. Logically, the atmosphere warms up the more greenhouse gases are present. (Source:

There is a catch to this logic. By observing from space, we are demonstrably reducing the planet's reflectivity. This creates more long-wave radiation that can interact with greenhouse gases. Light spectra that would otherwise be reflected and pass back through the atmosphere become heat down on the ground. Our cities, roads, black roofs and photovoltaic plants are to blame. We are changing a probable threat into a given and, thanks to the solar constant, easily calculated one.

If you still have doubts, do a little science experiment. Build two identical greenhouses in the Sahara. One with a black floor and one with a white floor. See which one lasts longer?

Please come back to the beginning with us. When it came to keeping the global average temperature within specified boundaries. The more the slogans of climate, sustainability, cow methane, electromobility and zero emissions are used, the more the original goal is lost. To stop the Earth warming.

Interested in real solutions to global warming? Meet the Foundation project

Real change need not be expensive, let alone draconian, as is generally the plan.


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